The EU member states selects CEF-Transport action cHAMeleon for stimulating the Liquefied Natural Gas as fuel for road transport

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The EU member states selects CEF-Transport action cHAMeleon for stimulating the Liquefied Natural Gas as fuel for road transport

The European Commission, through the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), have funded the cHAMeleon initiative among the projects submitted for the 2015 Connect Europe Facility (CEF) Transport Calls for stimulating the implementation of LNG refuelling infrastructure network, creating LNG market in new European areas and promote LNG market growth in the road haulage sector.

This action is lead by HAM CRIOGÉNICA, which is a Spanish leading company in Europe in designing, building and operating all kinds of LNG and CNG installations, such as regasification plants and LNG & L-CNG refuelling stations, as well as bunkering terminals. In addition, the initiative has also ENOS (ENOS LNG) as partner, which is a Slovenian company responsible for development of the LNG market in the region. They develop their own natural gas liquefaction technology and have small LNG plant.

The overall objective of the action is to study LNG powered freight market on the Mediterranean Corridor (Barcelona-Ljubljana) through innovative approaches & technologies in order to allow quick deployment of Natural gas as alternative clean fuel in a smart and economical way.

cHAMeleon investigates technological and operational options for carrying out improvements on LNG infrastructure, including vehicles, and LNG logistics service focused on bringing installation and operational costs down and making LNG an attractive commercial viable alternative fuel. The investigation will also address the business-client relation in order to address appropriately client’s needs in the different geographical areas.

During the Action 3 L-CNG refuelling stations will be deployed in 3 strategic points across the Mediterranean Corridor, in the Port of Barcelona (Spain), in La Jonquera (Spain) and in Ljubljana (Slovenia).

Moreover, in the frame of the Action, data will be collected with a view to define the roll out plan of a full network along the Mediterranean corridor. The collection of the data will be achieved through the trial operation and monitoring of the 3 stations implemented in the frame of the Action as well of additional 2 stations in Italy and 1 in France all 6 located at strategic points of Mediterranean corridor

cHAMeleon project is total aligned with Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014. This Directive defines a common framework of measures for the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure in the European Union in order to minimise dependence on oil and to mitigate the environmental impact of transport. It sets out minimum requirements for the building-up of alternative fuels infrastructure, including networks of LNG stations with non-discriminatory access for LNG fuelled vessels and road vehicles. The current lack of infrastructure is the key barrier to development of the LNG fuelled vehicles market. Interventions for stimulating implementation of such infrastructure are therefore necessary.

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